Gospel Odyssey – August 4 (Part 2) – August 6

I have been away from internet for a while, so I have a little blog catching up to do as well as some work to do.

As for August 4th (Part 2) I did learn of one more salvation that occurred.  So that is pretty sweet.

August 5th was a day on the campus doing some creative gospel outreach.  There were at least 4 different things done: (1)We brought two couches onto the diag and had signs saying “Pray with me”.  The thought being that if you want to pray about something, sit on the couch with one of us and we’d pray for you.  Apparently it was very effective in Cleveland Heights.  I don’t know how it went at U of M.  (2) We took video cameras &/or digital cameras out on campus and interviewed people.  Either doing a survey, going through a Bible verse, or some other means.  (3) One-on-one gospel and handing out tracts and invites to the bbq’s.  (4) Passing out some of the free cookies on campus along with invites and seeing if a conversation would start.

I did number four.  I would ask people if they wanted a free cookie and about 60% of the time people said “yes”.  Oh, the cookies had the verse, “I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me shall not hunger –Jesus Christ” [John 6:35].  Usually people would ask why I was handing out cookies and I would tell them to show God’s love.  Just as God freely gave us His Son, Jesus Christ, we are giving out free cookies.  Like the cookies, all we need to do is choose to receive Him.  People, Christians & non-Christians alike, mostly said “thank you” or some other polite expression of thanks.  I only had one college girl pick up the cookie, read the verse, say “*%$*#&% you” after reading the verse, through the cookie down and storm off.  I didn’t even get to mention Jesus’ name, all it took was for her to read the Word & see His name to violently react.

After the day of invites and such we had another gospel bbq at another park.  There seemed to be at least 30 friends and people from the neighborhood show up.  Most seemed to be from the neighborhood, which was really great to see.  Ian Konopinski shared an excellent gospel message about forgiveness based upon Romans 3:23 & 6:23.  Again, Amy Strieter set up a great short drama to start off the message.  I am not sure if there were any salvations but at least one guy from the neighborhood who was already saved said that he wanted to get baptized at Friday’s bbq.

Today is August 6th, and I am blogging quickly while most people are out canoeing.  I thought I’d try to get some work done in the couple of free hours while they are having fun.

A new gospel topic, hope, was introduced today.  They key verse being Colossians 1:27, “To them God made to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory”.  We did some canvassing in a new area and then went to three separate nursing homes.  In the nursing homes we sang some hymns, then a person preached a message on hope (Peter McNaughton, Ian Konopinski, and I did this), and then we visited with the people there.  The people at the nursing home we visited seemed to very much enjoy all three aspects.  It was very sweet.  The home even had a dog who lived there as well…kind of a house pet.

Now they are off canoeing while I blog and work.