Save Thyself

“If Jesus Christ leads us by His moral example, that is how He saves us…then what you really need is a tool kit, not a Redeemer.  There is absolutely no reason for Jesus to be God descended to us in the flesh to save us because we can’t save ourselves if in fact we can.  If we can save ourselves or if there is no need to save ourselves from God’s righteous, just wrath then there is no need for Jesus to be Divine; there is no need for Him to absorb the judgment that was meant for us.” (Michael Horton, Westminster Seminary California Professor)

C.S. Lewis was once asked what separates Christianity from all other religions and he responded with “Grace”.  All other worldviews cry forth, “Save thyself!”  Only Christianity has God becoming a man, paying the penalty for sin, and offering salvation free of charge.  It can seem too good to be true because we don’t deserve it (and we don’t) which is why it is grace.  There is something within us, driven by our sin nature, that rebels against grace and insults the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross by rejecting what is freely offered in a vain attempt to try to earn salvation.  Unfortunately, even Christians can fall into this trap as described by the quote above from the video interview What is the Greatest Theological Challenge Facing the Next Generation of Pastors?.

For more on this, listen to the Oasis Christian Community Spring Retreat 2010 messages by Ian Brinksman.
1. Why Share the Gospel?
2. Five Worldviews
3. All Religions Lead to God…Or Do They?
4. Practical Gospel

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